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Review Action Comics 982

Review Action Comics 982

Action Comics #982, the next chapter in Revenge, came out last week and was a perfect middle chapter, moving the pieces on the board, building momentum to the finale, and adding a few new mysteries. This book ends with a truly phenomenal splash page, a great cliffhanger, and a moment I feel I have been waiting for since the New 52 happened. If this comic was only that page, I would probably give it a high grade. Trust me ... well get there.

Writer Dan Jurgens certainly keeps the plot moving along. He has a lot of moving parts to deal with in this story. The Revenge Squad is 6 members deep. He has Lois, Jon, and Superman to write. And we get the other guests that come on board. That sounds like a Legion of Super-Heroes comic. But Jurgens takes the time to make sure we know each characters motivations and to make them unique.

The art is done by Jack Herbert and Jose Luis and both bring great emotion and action to the proceedings. There are a number of panels here which struck me. One has become my Twitter header. And that ending page! It all works well.

This issue ended and I immediately wanted to read the next part. That is the sign of a great middle chapter.

On to the book!

Last issue we had the Cyborg Superman list out why the Revenge Squad should follow his plan. Henshaw had already cowed everyone but Zod. It was Zod he needed to convince.

The beginning of this issue is almost a rehash of that conversation. The Fortress has a phantom zone projector so Zod can get his army. But it also has untold technology, things that could lead to a new Warworld, a new Krypton, or a new body for Metallo.

After some hemming and hawing, once again the group agrees to follow the Cyborgs lead.

I suppose a recap of why this group would act together wasnt a bad thing.

Meanwhile, Jon and Krypto wander around the Fortress. In a cute moment, Jon acts as a sort of guide pointing out the items to Krypto.

But then he hears his name called, first in an alien tongue then in a gray tinged word balloon.

Hmmm, a new mystery. Who could be inside the Fortress and would talk like that. I dont know if I have a great guess yet. But I am intrigued. Is is Mr. Oz? Or some ally trapped within that Superman isnt aware of.

As for Superman, he remains blind. We get a little bit of a exposition. He was blinded by the Black Vault phantom zone wall. It has effected his vision powers but not his heat vision (an energy power). It is unclear why he alone got blinded since others were within the wall. And there isnt really an easy cure. Just in case anyone thinks the Kryptonian Battle Armor from Death of Superman is a cure-all, Kelex reminds us that was a one time cure (except for when it cured Lana a couple of months ago).

What I liked was this moment in the first panel where Lois shows how concerned she is. That hug, that desperate idea of the armor curing things, speaks volumes. I just love the way Lois and Clark have interacted since Rebirth/Reborn.

Unfortunately, the time to think calmly about this problem ends. The Squad shows up, literally knocking on the door of the Fortress.

I love this leering Zod. He looks like a mad dog. And the red glow from the door adds menace.

Just great art.

Anyone see a little Jeffrey Dean Morgan in this Zod?

Superman isnt going to let the Squad bash their way in and threaten his family. Hell have to rely on his other senses. But he also activates the Omega Defense protocol, contacting the Omnihedron. Help will come.

And then, showing that bravery, he brings the fight to the Squad, hopefully giving Lois and Jon time to escape.

I thought this was a great splash panel, showing that fortitude Kal has, even moreso when you remember hes blind. And for a second it looks like he might actually be able to stay in this fight.

Meanwhile, the Kelex warning goes out.

There is an absolutely jaw-dropping page of Supergirl responding. First, it is perfect that Kara is a big coffee fan, yet another reason for me to love the character.

But then we get a classic shirt rip moment for her, saying she is on her way, hair color changing, and looking heroically off to the horizon. This is poster worthy, t-shirt worthy, statue worthy!

And it again cements the new relationship between the cousins. Kal is in danger? First person he calls is Kara! Hooray!!!!

And Superman will need help.

Pretty quickly, this monstrous Revenge Squad gets the upper hand on the blind Superman. There is a page plus of the group just pounding his fallen body.

We even get a kneel before Zod moment!

But then ... woosh ... his body is flown away.

And then we get that ending splash page! The Superman Family has arrived! And they are ready to throw down.

The Superman Family!!! And Lex is one of them!!! Insanity! Awesome!!

These sort of OMG moments are what keep me reading comics! We knew it was coming. It was still spectacular when it came.

I want to read the next part now!

Add to this the mystery of Supermans blindness, the voice in the Fortress, and (Im assuming) Superboy eventually joining the fray, and you have a great issue.

Overall grade: A

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